GenderFux is the collaborative work of three immensely talented poets whose work all exists in the same uncomfortable but enduring space. These poems are bursting with the desperation to be heard, and they leave you enveloped in the rich worlds sketched on the page, and the haze of everything else left unsaid in the margins.
Holding space for queer trauma, love, sex, and pop culture references, GenderFux is a masterclass in full and complete portraiture that doesn’t leave anything out. It is tongue-in-cheek, brutal, evocative and electric - and will leave you with their words ringing in your ears.
Kathryn O’Driscoll, UK slam champion, poet, performer, author of Cliff Notes (Verve Poetry Press, 2022)
Jem Henderson is a genderqueer poet from Leeds, UK with an MA in Creative Writing from York St. John University. They have been published in Civic Leicester's Black Lives Matter, Streetcake, Dreich, Full House Literary, and recently won a Creative Future award for underrepresented writers. A book, An Othered Mother is due out in 2022 from Nine Pens.
the white of my lace cotton socks // black rubber plimsolls // squeak on the varnished floor // yellow felt tip lines on cream recycled paper // fragile followed with freshly
sharpened pencil // learn my ABCs
my first kiss behind the huts at school // his cheeks sucked in tight to make a tiny lipless pout // smashing my face on the paving // leaving fat drops blooming like red flowers on grey stone // three stitches
a second kiss in the garden // her pale body delicate like antique lace under my hand // fleeing my mother's house // her sightless eyes // her needle fingers
my rattling cough // mould trapped in tender lace of lung // a parade of men with
flaccid dicks and fleshy bellies // no money // no food // the lace is my arm // delicately
the lace is my wedding dress // the lace is the cowl around my baby face // audibly popping
at quarter to midnight // the lace is my crumbling marriage // keeping me in place
Jonathan Kinsman (he/him) is a polyamorous, bisexual, transmasculine poet from Greater Manchester. His poems have been published widely, including in Butcher's Dog, fourteen poems, Poetry Wales and Under the Radar. His debut pamphlet & was joint-winner of the Indigo Dreams Pamphlet Prize 2017 and his second, witness, was published by Burning Eye in 2020.
from the horizon it must look like the end of all things —
conflagration, orange on black;
a contortion of limbs,
one moment pulling in unison
and the next whirling against each other;
furious flesh
and its sweet bellow;
a piano’s viking funeral,
attended only by torsos,
the mourners’ legs swallowed
up in noise —
all are welcome:
you curios;
you nameless of no-place;
you made inside out,
holding your entrails in your hands —
turn them in at the cloakroom;
we’ll watch your things while you dance.
marsha is giving out shots
that taste like blood in your teeth;
there’s one for you.
drink deep.
sing like a sword in the forge.
JP Seabright (she/they) is a queer writer living in London. Their debut poetry pamphlet, Fragments from Before the Fall: An Anthology in Post-Anthropocene Poetry is published by Beir Bua Press. Their debut prose chapbook NO HOLDS BARRED is out early 2022 from Lupercalia Press. They were nominated for a Pushcart Prize in October 2021. More of their work can be found at and via Twitter @errormessage.
The line in that song where she sings You're a girl & I'm a boy
did more for my gender identity than anything before or since
This was 1994 just 21 & finding out
who I was & am who I love & how
at the Uni queer disco before the T was added to the LGB Soc
my third girlfriend was President of standing watching waiting
checking everyone out just in case searching not for perfection
nor protection but a palpable sense of validation
This was 1994 halfway through the shame of Section 28
I went to my first Gay Pride that year in Brockwell Park
here I found my self my family my people my Protection
if & when I needed it You're a girl & I'm a boy
This was 1994 when Currie’s law failed to pass
the gay age of consent stalled at 18 but no age of consent
for lesbians still we did not exist
This was 1994 when Jarman died of AIDS
before antiretrovirals came in & we watched Blue
in pieces at the Phoenix Cinema You're a girl & I'm a boy
is my manifesto for love though sometimes we are both boys
& sometimes we are both girls too
but I am not fixed I am a state of flux
I am GenderFux I am not one thing
or another alternating like electricity
I am not sometimes this & sometimes that not either/or
I am fluid & peculiar I am everything at once
bubbles rising to the surface of a lake
confetti dancing in the slipstream